Image of Lieza Vanden Broeke.

Dr Lieza Vanden Broeke

Research and Knowledge Translation 

From the moment Lieza began speaking, her unyielding curiosity manifested through a continuous stream of “why” questions. These questions have never stopped. While studying for her PhD in Medical Physics in 2016, Lieza was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The beginning of her career was largely focused on medical imaging and “numbers”, however, her MS diagnosis led her career on a more all-inclusive path.

Lieza remains committed to posing challenging questions, dismissing the notion of a question being deemed “dumb.” In her pursuit of knowledge, she not only seeks answers for herself but also strives to address the queries of those affected by disabilities or lifelong health conditions. Lieza has a passion for simplifying research finding and sharing them in an accessible way.

Lieza grew up in Belgium and has a cat called Albus Dumbledore.