Peer Reviewed Journals
Kayes, N. M., Martin, R. A., Bright, F. A., Kersten, P., & Pollock, A. (2019) Optimising the real-world impact of rehabilitation reviews: increasing the relevance and usability of systematic reviews in rehabilitation. European Journal of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine. 55(3):331-41
Bourke, J.A., Snell, D.L., Sinnott, K.A., Cassidy, B. (2012). A user-led consultation model: making inclusion of service users in research a reality. Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care, 5(2), 61-69.
Verkaaik, J., Sinnott, K.A., Cassidy, B., Freeman, C., &Kunowski, T. (2010). The Productive Partnerships (P2) Framework: Harnessing health consumer knowledge and autonomy to create and predict successful rehabilitation outcomes. Disability and Rehabilitation 32 (12): 978-985.
Conference proceedings
Freeman C, Siegert R, Snell D, Babbage D, Sullivan M. (2015). Internet use by people living with neurological conditions: A scoping study. Abstract accepted for poster presentation at the 2015 AFRM/NZRA Conference Wellington October 2015.