Burwood Academy Scholars will become exemplars in the field of disability and rehabilitation research where there is a need for improving the
- translation of research into clinical practice,
- institutional awareness of knowledge translation and the principles of Independent Living (IL), and
- societal understanding of the requirements for both.
This will be achieved by the provision of IL mentoring, professional collegial and peer support, financial support as appropriate or possible, and development of researcher career profile both nationally and internationally. It is expected that such support might contribute to the translation of the scholar’s research findings to improve the lives of persons living with a disability.
There will be an expectation that the Academy Scholar would be involved in knowledge translation activities facilitated by Academy during and at the end of their scholarship. Examples of such activities would include presentations at Academy’s regular peer research meetings and forums and participation in or advisory input into translating the research findings.
IL peer mentoring benefits include:
- Enhancing the scholar’s sense of competence and identity through role modelling, acceptance, confirmation and mutuality and peer support
- Continuity of a relationship throughout the Scholar’s course of study
- Assistance with development of long term professional and personal goals
- Encouraging lifestyle balance and self-care
- Empowering the Scholar to bring up issues with their supervisors when necessary
- Sharing of knowledge of the IL community, e.g., networking, linking with other researchers, development of research profile
A scholarly candidate must be enrolled in a New Zealand University at either Masters or PhD level; can be either full-time or part-time and at any stage of thesis/dissertation project completion. Support from academic supervisors is essential as Academy will provide an IL Mentor which will require approval from the supervisory team.
Application Process
Application can be made by way of a:
- 300-400 word personal narrative of research interests and relevance to Independent Living (IL),
- CV and/or academic transcript,
- 4-5 power point slide overview of thesis project,
- letter of recommendation/support from primary academic supervisor (or representative).
All material is to be sent by email to the Academy Director. Short listed candidates will be invited to a face-to-face interview, which can be conducted via teleconference when necessary.
In the first instance the status of Burwood Academy Scholar will be awarded on the basis of academic achievement, subject to review of academic transcripts. Crucially the candidate will be required to demonstrate both IL relevance and knowledge translation potential in terms of both their thesis project and their career interests.
The Scholarship shall be awarded by the Burwood Academy Board on the recommendation of a selection committee comprising the Academy Director (or nominee), the Burwood Academy Board Chairperson (or nominee) and a current Academy researcher. The Burwood Academy Board has the power to terminate or suspend this status if it receives an unsatisfactory report on the progress of a Scholar from the relevant University Department, academic supervisor(s) or Academy mentor.
The Burwood Academy is not obliged to make an award if in any year there is no candidate of sufficient merit, or the Academy does not have the requisite resources to provide IL mentoring support.
Acknowledgement of support provided by BAIL is required for presentations and other dissemination activities. The Burwood Academy logo will be provided for the Scholar to use.
Monetary Value
Support provided to the Burwood Academy Scholar is envisaged to be largely of a non-fiscal nature and includes peer support and mentoring, networking, professional development, and publication opportunities. Where the Scholar’s research is funded by an Academy grant, financial support would be negotiable on the basis of the financial needs of the student, earning capacity during thesis completion period, the project demands and likelihood of knowledge translation merit.
For further information contact:
Dr Jo Nunnerley
Academy Director
phone: +64 3 3836871
mobile: +64 21 187 2651
email: jo.nunnerley@burwood.org.nz