Peer-Reviewed Journals

Snell, D. L., Martin, R. A., Macleod, A. D., Surgenor, L. J., Siegert, R. J., Hay-Smith, E. J. C., Melzer, T., Hooper, G. J., & Anderson, T. (2019).Wrestling with uncertainty after mild traumatic brain injury: a mixed methods study. Disability and Rehabilitation.

Snell, D. L., Martin, R. A., Macleod, A. D., Surgenor, L. J., Siegert, R. J., Hay-Smith, E. J. C., et al. (2018). Untangling chronic pain and post-concussion symptoms: the significance of depression. Brain Injury, 1, 1–10.

Snell, D. L., Martin, R., Surgenor, L. J., Siegert, R. J., & Hay-Smith, E. J. C. (2017). What’s wrong with me? seeking a coherent understanding of recovery after mild traumatic brain injury. Disability and Rehabilitation, 39(19):1968-1975.doi: 10.1080/09638288.2016.

Snell, D.L., Hay-Smith, E.J.C., Surgenor, L.J., Williman, J., Siegert, R.J. (2015). The contribution of psychological factors to recovery after mild traumatic brain injury: Is cluster analysis a useful approach? Brain Injury, 29(3): 291-299.

Martin R, Levack W, Sinnott KA. Life goals and social identity in people with severe acquired brain injury: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. Disabil Rehabil. 2015;37(14):1234-41. doi: 10.3109/09638288.2014.961653.

Snell, D.L., Hay-Smith, E.J.C., Surgenor, L.J., Siegert, R.J. (2013). Predicting long-term outcome after mild traumatic brain injury: The contribution of injury beliefs and Leventhal’s Common Sense Model. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: An International Journal, 23(3), 333-362.

Graham, F., Sinnott, A., Snell, D., Martin, R., Freeman, C. (2013). Experiences of residents, family, staff and managers use of Active Support at a residential facility for people with physical and intellectual impairments. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability 38(3):256-64 DOI: 10.3109/13668250.2013.805738.

Snell, D.L., Siegert, R.J., Hay-Smith, E.J.C., Surgenor, L.J. (2011). Associations between illness perceptions, coping styles and outcome after mild traumatic brain injury: a cohort study. Brain Injury, 25:1126-38.

Snell, D.L., Siegert, R.J., Hay-Smith, E.J.C., Surgenor, L.J. (2011). Factor structure of the Brief COPE in people with mild traumatic brain injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 26(6), 468-477.

Snell, D.L., Siegert, R.J., Hay-Smith, E.J.C., Surgenor, L.J. (2010). An examination of the factor structure of the revised illness perception questionnaire in adults with mild traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury, 24 (13-14):1595-605.

Snell, D., Surgenor, L., Hay-Smith, J., Siegert, R. (2009). A systematic review of psychological treatments for mild traumatic brain injury: an update on the evidence. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 31(1), 20-38.

Heitger, M.H., Jones, R.D., Macleod, A.D., Snell, D.L., Frampton, C.M. & Anderson, T.J. (2009). Impaired eye movements in post concussion syndrome indicate sub-optimal brain function beyond the influence of depression, malingering or intellectual ability. Brain, 132:2850-70.

Snell, D., & Surgenor, L. (2006). An analysis of referees and referrals to a specialist concussion clinic. New Zealand Medical Journal, 119, 1231.

Conference proceedings
Snell DL, Martin R, Macleod, AD, Surgenor L, Siegert RJ, Hay-Smith EJC, Hooper GJ, Melzer T, Anderson T. (2015). Untangling symptoms: postconcussion syndrome or chronic pain? Abstract accepted for oral presentation at the 2015 AFRM/NZRA Conference Wellington October 2015.

Snell, D.L., Surgenor, L.J., Hay-Smith, E.J.C., Williman, J., Siegert, R.J. (2014). The contribution of psychological factors to recovery after mild traumatic brain injury: A prospective cohort study. Abstract accepted for oral presentation at American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) conference Toronto 7-11 October 2014.

Silverberg, N.D., Snell, D.L., Siegert, R.J., Hay-Smith, E.J.C., Surgenor, L.J. (2013) Illness perceptions in the prediction of outcome from mild traumatic brain injury: a cross validation. International Neuropsychological Society [Annual Meeting 2013 Hawaii] (Abstract ID 1508054)

Graham, F., Sinnott, K.A., Snell, D.L., Martin, R., Freeman, C. (2013). A more normal life: Residents, family, staff and managers experience of Active Support at a residential facility for people with physical and intellectual impairments. Paper accepted for New Zealand rehabilitation Association Conference, 8-10 March, 2013.

Snell, D.L., Hay-Smith, E.J.C., Surgenor, J.J., Siegert, R.J. (2011). Associations Between Injury Beliefs and Outcome after mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI). Paper presentation at New Zealand Rehabilitation Association Conference, Auckland 4-6 March 2011.

Snell, D.L., Hay-Smith, E.J.C., Surgenor, J.J., Siegert, R.J. (2011). Associations Between Injury Beliefs and Outcome after mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI). Paper presentation at New Zealand College of Clinical Psychologists (NZCCP) Conference, Auckland 19-20 March 2011.

Snell, D.L., Surgenor, L.J., Hay-Smith, E.J.C., Siegert, R.J. (2010). Mild traumatic brain injury: do injury beliefs and understandings influence clinical and functional outcomes? Poster Presentation. In Hömberg, V., Binder, H. (Eds.) Book of Abstracts, 6th World Congress in Neurorehabilitation (WCNR2010), WFNR: Vienna, Austria.

Snell, D.L., Siegert, R.J., Hay-Smith, E.J.C., Surgenor, L.J. (2009). An examination of the factor structure of the Revised Illness Perceptions Questionnaire in adults with mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI). Paper presentation at Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine and New Zealand Rehabilitation Association Conference, Queenstown, New Zealand, 2009.

Snell, D.L., Siegert, R.J., Hay-Smith, E.J.C., Surgenor, L.J. (2009). An examination of the factor structure of the Revised Illness Perceptions Questionnaire in adults with mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI). Paper presentation at Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine and New Zealand Rehabilitation Association Conference, Queenstown, New Zealand, 2009.

Heitger, M.H., Jones, R.D., Macleod, A.D., Snell, D., Wilson, I., & Anderson, T. J. (2008). Eye movement deficits in post concussion syndrome. FENS Forum Abstracts Vol. 4, abstract no. 084.6.

Snell, D., Surgenor, L., Hay-Smith, J., & Siegert, R. (2007). A systematic review of psychological treatments for mild traumatic brain injury: an update on Comper, Bisschop, Carnide & Triccio, 2005. Poster presented at Rehabilitation Research and New Zealand Rehabilitation Association Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand, February 2007.