Developing a Peer Support Framework



The aim of this research project is to to explore underlying understandings and proposed mechanisms within the peer support service theory to develop a framework for peer mentoring. This can then be used in a larger project evaluating the national peer mentoring service.


Interviews and focus groups with the key people involved with the development and implementation of Peer Support in Spinal Cord Injuries in New Zealand. These are, ‘Connecting People’ (part of the New Zealand Spinal Trust), who provide peer support to people with SCI at the Burwood Spinal Unit and into the community, and ‘TASC’ at the Auckland Spinal Rehabilitation Unit.

BAIL Researcher Rachelle Martins suggests “Interventions within health services are often complex, and I believe that it is necessary to not only determine if interventions work – we need to understand what aspects of the intervention works, for which people, in which contexts, to what extent, and how. Thinking about interventions in this way is based on a research method called ‘Realist Evaluation’. I have used elements of this method within my PhD studies, and I am keen to use this approach to understand more fully why peer mentoring works. If we can understand how it works for a range of people who receive mentoring, then we can work with providers to think about how the intervention can be optimised to achieve the best outcomes for people with SCI. We can also think about how peer mentoring programmes may work in other contexts (e.g. outside of NZ or in other population groups).”

Status of Research

Data collection and analysis are complete.


Publication submitted – under peer review

Poster presentation at the ASSBI/NZRA Conference, Wellington NZ, May 2019. Martin, R., Nunnerley J., Shahtahmasebi, Z., Bourke, J., Dunn, J. & Snell, D. Theoretical model development explaining how peer support improves health outcomes for people with spinal cord impairment: a realist approach.

Interactive poster accepted for presentation at UK Knowledge Mobilisation Forum, March 2020 in Birmingham, UK

Key Contact

Dr Jo Nunnerley,
Burwood Academy of Independent Living.
Phone:  +64 3 383 6871
Mobile:  +64 21 1872651

Researchers and Collaborators

Dr Johnny Bourke,
Burwood Academy of Independent Living.
Phone:  +64 3 383 6871
Mobile:  +64 21 1125596

Dr Rachelle Martin,
Burwood Academy of Independent Living
Phone:  +64 3 383 6871
Mobile:  +64 21 1872651
and University of Otago, Wellington.

Debbie Snell,
University of Otago, Christchurch.

Jennifer Dunn,
University of Otago, Christchurch.

Research Assistant

Zahra Shahtahmasebi