SCI Action Plan Evaluation



The New Zealand Spinal Cord Impairment Action Plan began its implementation in 2014 with the overarching aim to achieve the best possible health and wellbeing outcomes for people with SCI, and to enhance their quality of life and ability to participate in society.  The SCI Action Plan Evaluation will include data from all those involved in the lives of those with SCI; including carers, family, community and hospital based health care professionals and those who themselves have a SCI, to achieve a thorough understanding of the effectiveness of the Action Plan.

See the New Zealand Spinal Cord Impairment Action Plan 2014–2019 HERE

The aim of the evaluation is to gain an understanding of:

  • How effective the SCI Action Plan is.
  • How the SCI Action Plan has been implemented.
  • The extent to which the objectives have been met.

Key evaluation questions:

  • What are the outcomes for people with SCI?
  • Are rehabilitation needs being met?
  • Does the rehabilitation provided maximise function and participation as a demonstrated outcome?


In addition to data provided by ACC and other health services, qualitative data will be collected in the forms of surveys, interviews and focus groups.

Status of Research



NZSCIAP Summary of Findings


Key Contact

Dr Jo Nunnerley
Burwood Academy
Phone:  +64 3 383 6871
Mobile:  +64 21 187 2651

Researchers and Collaborators

Dr Johnny Bourke, Burwood Academy

Dr Rachelle Martin,  Burwood Academy

Emma Bailey, Accident Compensation Corporation

Research Assistants

Matt Aldridge, Burwood Academy


Ian Beattie, Lived Experience Advisor
Ian Simpson, Lived Experience Advisor
Sabine Krasniqi, Carer and Support Worker Advisor
Kathy Dwyer, Community Health-care Advisor
Nicola Billing, Auckland Rehabilitation Spinal Unit Advisor
David Tieleman, Burwood Spinal Unit Advisor
Amy Glassford, Paediatric Advisor
Kathryn Edward, Paediatric Healthcare Advisor
Debra Edmonds, Family Advisor
Mere Hibbs, Maori Health Advisor

Collection of videos prepared by Dr Rachelle Martin

How we did it

Overall Positives

Future Directions

The Objectives

The NZSCIAP is based around eight objectives, established in response to a situation analysis paper (2013), a UMR literature review (2012) and two UMR research reports (2013).

In the following videos, Dr Martin summarises each of the objectives:

1. Improve acute clinical outcomes for adults requiring acute SCI care

2. Improve outcomes for children and adolescents

3. Improve information sharing

4. Provide nationally consistent SCI rehabilitation services and extend community-based rehabilitation

5. Review and align MOH and ACC processes for access to equipment, housing modifications and transport

6. Develop peer support services

7. Build health and disability workforce capability

8. Support improvements for carers taking a cross-agency approach