The NZ Spinal Cord Injury Registry was established as a joint initiative between MOH and ACC in 2016 and aims to record every person with a new spinal cord injury (SCI) admitted to any Supraspinal Service facility in NZ each year. The NZSCIR is an opt in registry and collects basic statistics to help SCI services track how many people sustain a SCI, what the population looks like, what the causes are (both as a result of an accident or illness), the severity and what treatments achieve better outcomes. The aim is to investigate functional, health, participation and wellbeing outcomes of people with SCI and whānau over time.

Read more about the NZSCIR HERE

A lot has been happening with the NZ Spinal Cord Injury Registry over the past couple of years. We want to update everyone on these changes and introduce the new members of the Registry team. We’ll overview who we are, what we do & how NZ data can be accessed.

Presentation will be given by the NZSCIR Coordinators: Tracey Croot & Greta Minty, with support from Maria Donaldson & Christine Mangold. Tracey has been with the Registry since the pilot in 2014 and Greta joined as the Auckland Coordinator in 2020. All Coordinators are from an Allied Health background & make the equivalent of one full time position at each site.

Speakers bio:

Tracey Croot is a Physiotherapist who has worked at the Burwood Spinal Unit for over 22 years. Her Masters came about following the 2014/15 Registry pilot study, looking at clinicians perceptions, influences & barriers to entering data. She has been a BSU Registry Coordinator since its launch in Aug 2016.

Greta Minty is also a Physiotherapist who started working at the Auckland Spinal Unit on her return from the UK in 2012. She moved into the Registry Coordinator role in 2020 as she was looking for a change from clinical work, but remained passionate about the welfare of people who have suffered a spinal cord injury.

Thursday 27th July



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