Staying on Track: designing a peer-led telehealth self-management intervention for people with newly acquired SCI and their whānau


Research framework

Remaining Healthy


We aim to develop the content of a telehealth peer-led self-management intervention aimed at preventing secondary health conditions for people with SCI. Within a community-based participatory research methodological approach we will collaborate with people with the lived experience (PLEx) of SCI and their whānau/family, consumer-led advocacy organisations (i.e., peer supporters) and both inpatient rehabilitation and community-based healthcare and rehabilitation service providers.

This project is funded by grants from ANZSCOS and HRC.


We will use a 3-phase co-design research method to,

  1. establish a core co-design research team and review white and grey literature to ensure evidence-based and theoretically-based intervention development,
  2. interrogate emerging concepts with a broader range of stakeholders via an online survey and purposively sampled focus groups, and
  3. ensure knowledge translation, implementation and evaluation processes for the self-management intervention are in place.

Status of Research

  • Data Collection Completed
  • Analysis underway
  • Paper in Presentation


The following video was created for the ANZSCoS Conference in October 2021. Hā-i-mano means the voice of many, and in this video you can hear some of the many voices involved in this co-design project. We talk about the project and the constellation of four principles that emerged to guide peer-support for people with SCI as the return home from hospital.

Key Contact

Dr Susan Gee,
Senior researcher,
Burwood Academy 
Phone:  +64 3 383 6871

Researchers and Collaborators

Te Ao Marama (Jodi) Apiata,
Māori Advisor,
Burwood Academy
Phone:  +64 3 383 6871

Dr Jo Nunnerley,
Academy Director,
Burwood Academy

Phone:  +64 3 383 6871
Mobile: +64 21 187 2651

Dr Rachelle Martin,
Knowledge Translation Lead,
Burwood Academy
Phone:  +64 3 383 6871
Mobile:  +64 21 223 3362

Cate Grace,
PLEx Engagement Lead,
Burwood Academy
Phone:  +64 3 383 6871
Mobile: tel:+64 27 532 7248

Emily Timothy,
Clinical Researcher;
Burwood Academy 

Phone:  +64 3 383 6871

Josh Caldwell
Research Assistant & PLEx Network Coordinator
Burwood Academy
Phone:  +64 3 383 6871