NZSCIR Launched

The New Zealand Spinal Cord Injury Registry was officially launched on the 1st August 2016, the culmination of many years work. Over 70 people attended the function at Middlemore Hospital. Guests included the Honourable Nikki Kaye Minister for ACC and Bill Barrable CEO of the Rick Hansen Institute.
Orthopaedic surgeon Rowan Schouten spoke on the clinical relevance of the registry, while BAIL board member Dr Richard Smaill talked about the registry from his research experience, and from the perspective from someone with a lived experience of SCI.

PHOTO: Peter Robinson (Chief Clinical Advisor, ACC), Peter Robinson (Chief Clinical Advisor, ACC),Hon Nikki Kaye (Minister for ACC), Bill Barrable (CEO of the Rick Hansen Institute) Professor Ian Civil (Chair of the New Zealand Spinal Cord Strategy Governance group).