A cunning plan to facilitate funding of peer support services for people with newly acquired SCI in NZ: synthesising evidence, developing theory & evaluating effectiveness


Dr Rachelle Martin
Josh Caldwell


Thursday 30th May, 2019
at Burwood Hospital

Rachelle - Peer Group 30May19

BAIL is working with the NZ Spinal Trust and Spinal Support NZ (previously TASC) to build the evidence-base for peer support being offered to people who are in their first 6-months of rehabilitation following a spinal cord impairment. In this presentation we will overview the steps we have taken so far (literature review & theoretical development), and what we are currently up to (nation-wide evaluation study).

The process of rehabilitation and transition from hospital to home is difficult for people with newly acquired SCI. Peer support, provided by people who themselves live with the experience of SCI, aims to support people to maximise their function and independence following SCI, and to help them reintegrate into the community, returning to previously held life roles. However, sustainable-funding models are required to ensure that peer support can be provided to all, and in a way that is responsive to peoples individual needs and preferences. Hence the cunning plan ….

Josh - Peer Group 30May19Resources available:

Presentation slides