Tools for consumer engagement with people with SCI, specifically for researchers and clinicians
John Chernesky
Consumer Engagement Lead, Rick Hanson Institute
Tuesday 18th September, 2018
Video Conference
At BAIL’s invitation, John travelled to Christchurch after the ISCos Conference in Sydney to host a number of sessions in relation to engaging people with lived experience in research.
In this workshop, John shared various tools for conducting rigorous research that incorporates consumer engagement into all steps of the process. Information like this helps in broadening this very important aspect of our work.
With nearly 25 years of lived experience of spinal cord injury (SCI) since being paralyzed in 1993, John has participated in dozens of research studies in addition to being co-investigator on a number of research projects. His strong connection to the local SCI community as well as an international network of people living with SCI brings local, national and international consumer perspective to the SCI research field. Recognized as a leader in engagement and integrated knowledge translation, he has presented to audiences around the world.
Resources available:
Watch workshop here: